The few reports that analyze this technique center around civilian satisfaction. This study adds exam latest research by choosing which field officer attribute is linked examination mediation alternative. Specifically, University qualities examined are University officials race, gender, and years of carrier. Intersections of police features also are examined. Quantitative methods is hired examination analyze CCRB data protecting University years of 2007 examination 2012. Chi square tests and independent sample t test are used examination discover bivariate relationships. Complete University form examination prompt your access. Enter your buyer number. You can find your purchaser number on University mailing label of University journal or on University renewal notice. If you are unable examination find your customer number, please contact Customer Service. Click Register. You should now have access exam your magazine. It is limited, though, and quizzes tue pevasive envionment calls fo complex pefeences that may be easily manipulated by University end use. Moeove, some of these appoaches ae not definitely enough in assembly University demanding situations mentioned in section 3. 2. Fo example, PETs and pivacy models do not explicitly contibute in quizzes eduction of information collection, no is that thei intent o pupose. Although nameless data collection is based on University assumption that if data is accrued anonymously then it can’t be linked with any individual, and if data can’t be elated examination a person then it poses no theats in tems of pivacy. Thus, special pivacy policies and safeguads fo data ae not seen as citical in this model.