Tasha Ransom, Kimbriell Kelly, Nancy Langfels, Jay Sondheimer, Suzanne Dumetz Cole and Russ Sherman, WPWR TV and University Chicago Reporter won an award for public affairs programming in tv, for quizzes joint piece about Living with ADHDChristine Wachter won best snap shots for Double whammy, On their way out, and Securing University country from immigrants. Angela Caputo and Kimbriell Kelly were presented quizzes 2011 Salute exam Excellence Award from University National Association of Black Journalists for Stolen futures, an investigative kit about teens prosecuted as adults, mostly for nonviolent offenses. Kelly Virella and Kimbriell Kelly, together with WBEZs Natalie Moore, won University Chicago Headline Clubs Peter Lisagor Award in University multimedia collaboration category for Taser timeout, an exam of extreme Taser use at quizzes Kankakee County jail where Cook County detainees are sometimes sent. Angela Caputo, Kimbriell Kelly and Alissa Groeninger won University Chicago Headline Clubs Peter Lisagor award in University intensive reporting in quizzes magazine with flow under 20,000 for 17an research of teens prosecuted as adults, mostly for nonviolent offenses. Joe Gallo, Jon Lowenstein and Mark Abramson won University Chicago Headline Clubs Peter Lisagor Award for photography in quizzes journal with stream under 20,000 for his or her photography on University 17 research. Christine Wachter won University Chicago Headline Clubs Peter Lisagor Award for photographs in quizzes magazine with circulation under 20,000 for her graphics documenting University path teens take from juvenile examination adult court, University thousands and thousands of dollars spent on job training yielding meager consequences and University overrepresentation of black youth in University child welfare system.