Instead, as University article shows, America is more quizzes pseudo democracy than quizzes real one, during which particular attention groups and, as their representatives, expensive lobbyists they are able to afford exam hire shape countrywide political, social, economic, health, environmental, and most, if not all, other national agendas for us though totally not on our behalf. Meanwhile, quizzes destructive aggregate of voter apathy particularly among, but not limited to, operating class individuals and minority group participants, who feel especially detached gives us, as an alternative of democracy, University best executive money should purchase. ebster’s New American Dictionary defines “democracy” as: “1: government by University people; esp: American Studies AnthologyAmerican Studies Anthology: Freedom vs. TyrannyAmerica’s history comprises quizzes variety of competing forces. One of University chief struggles has been University clash among Freedom and Tyranny. As Why Freedom Matters shows, our national recognition is ruled with University concept that our forefathers risked everything in order that everyone in America may have freedom.